
International Steering Committee Members

Luca Artiglia (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
Christoph Baeumer (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Fabiano Bernardi (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Hendrik Bluhm (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany)
Luis Cardenas (CNRS, France)
Chinnakonda S. Gopinath (National Chemical Laboratory, India)
Georg Held (University of Reading, UK)
Axel Knop-Gericke (Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Germany)
Hiroshi Kondoh (Keio University, Japan)
Zhi Liu (ShanghaiTech University, The People's Republic of China)
Bongjin Simon Mun (Gwangju Inst. of Science & Technology, S. Korea)
Slavomir Nemsak (Advanced Light Source, USA)
Virginia Perez-Dieste (ALBA Synchrotron, Spain)
Joachim Schnadt (Lund University, Sweden)
Sven L. M. Schroeder (University of Leeds, UK)
Ira Waluyo (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
Piero Torelli (Elettra-CNR, Italy)
Chia-Hsin Wang (NSRRC, Taiwan) 

Past Workshops

1st APXPS workshop, 2014 Paris, France
2nd APXPS workshop, 7–9 December, 2015 Berkley, US
3rd APXPS workshop, 12–14 December, 2016 Oxford, UK
4th APXPS workshop, Shanghai China
5th APXPS workshop, 2015, Berlin, Germany
6th APXPS workshop, 10-13 December 2019, Lund, Sweden
7th APXPS workshop, 15–17 December, 2020, Pohang, Korea
8th APXPS workshop, 7–10 December, 2021, Brookhaven, US
9th APXPS workshop, 6–9 December, 2022, Brugg, Switzerland
10th APXPS workshop, 5–8 December, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan

Local Organizing Committee

Susumu Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
Iwao Matsuda (University of Tokyo)
Tadashi Abukawa (Tohoku University)
Ryu Yukawa (Tohoku University)
Masafumi Horio (University of Tokyo)
Hiroshi Kondoh (Keio University)
Yasumasa Takagi (JASRI/SPring-8)
Takanori Koitaya (Kyoto University)
Ryo Toyoshima (University of Tokyo)
